- ABC National, Pyramid of Excellence, Paramount House
- ABC Western Washington, Excellence in Construction Award in the Multi-Family Construction: $10 Million – $25 Million, Fox & Finch
- ABC Western Washington, Excellence in Construction Award Tenant Improvement/Renovation $10 Million to $100 Million, Evergreen Village
- ABC Western Washington, Excellence in Construction Award in the Tenant Improvement/Renovation Less than $4 Million, Farms and Market TI
- ABC Western Washington, Excellence in Construction Merit Award in the Tenant Improvement/Renovation Less that $4 Million, Paramount House
- STEP (Safety Training and Evaluation Process) Gold Award
- ABC National, Excellence in Construction Award $10 to $25 Million, Twin Lakes Landing
- ABC National, Excellence in Construction Award Tenant Improvement/Renovation $4 to $10 Million, Westend Interior and Exterior Renovations
- ABC National, Excellence in Construction Pyramid Award National Association of Home Builders Best in American Living Silver Award (BALA)
- STEP (Safety Training and Evaluation Process) Gold Award
- ABC National, Pyramid of Excellence, N23 Micro Apartments
- ABC National, Pyramid of Excellence, Choux Choux Bakery
- ABC National, Pyramid of Excellence, Sebastian Place Veterans Housing
- STEP (Safety Training and Evaluation Process) Platinum Award
- STEP (Safety Training and Evaluation Process) Platinum Award
- ABC National, Honorable Mention, August Wilson Place
- ABC National, Honorable Mention, Lake Washington Apartments
- ABC National, Honorable Mention, Potala Place Everett
- ABC National, Pyramid of Excellence, City North Apartments
- ABC National, Pyramid of Excellence, Peter’s Place
- ABC Western Washington, Excellence in Construction, City North Apartments
- ABC Western Washington, Excellence in Construction, Viva Apartments
- ABC Western Washington, Excellence in Construction, Peter’s Place
- STEP (Safety Training and Evaluation Process) Platinum Award
- ABC Western Washington, Excellence in Construction, The Cove Apartments
- ABC Western Washington Excellence in Construction Honorable Mention, Aviara Apartments
- ABC Western Washington Excellence in Construction Honorable Mention, Green River Homes
- STEP (Safety Training and Evaluation Process) Platinum Award
- ABC National, Pyramid of Excellence, Cascade Skagit Health Alliance
- ABC Western Washington, Excellence in Construction, Cascade Skagit Health Alliance
- ABC Western Washington, Excellence in Construction, Newcastle Library
- ABC Western Washington Excellence in Construction Honorable Mention, Mazatlan Tenant Improvement
- ABC Western Washington Excellence in Construction Honorable Mention, The Artiste
- STEP (Safety Training and Evaluation Process) Platinum Award
- ABC National, Eagle of Excellence, Fire Station #30
- ABC Western Washington, Excellence in Construction, Fire Station #30
- NACA Excellence in Copper Construction, Fire Station #30
- ABC Western Washington, Excellence in Construction, Spanaway Elementary
- ABC Western Washington, Excellence in Construction, Passage Point
- STEP (Safety Training and Evaluation Process) Platinum Award
- ABC National, Pyramid of Excellence, Potala Village
- ABC Western Washington, Excellence in Construction, Potala Village
- ABC Western Washington, Excellence in Construction, Birch Creek
- WSRA Recycler of the Year, Birch Creek
- ABC Western Washington, Excellence in Construction, Compass Veterans Center
- NOVOGRADAC Major Community Impact Award, Compass Veterans Center
- Top 100 Privately Owned Businesses in Washington
- STEP (Safety Training and Evaluation Process) Gold Award
- ABC Western Washington, Excellence in Construction, Salmon Creek
- CMAA Project Achievement Award, Salmon Creek
- ABC Western Washington, Excellence in Construction, South Shore Court
- 2010 ABC Western Washington Excellence in Construction Honorable Mention, Bart Harvey
- STEP (Safety Training and Evaluation Process) Platinum Award
- WACA Excellence in Concrete Award, Harborside Park
- Building of America Award, Harborside Park
- ABC Western Washington, Excellence in Construction, NIA Apartments
- ABC Western Washington, Award of Merit, Kateri Court
- CMAA Project Achievement Award, NIA Apartments
- ABC Western Washington Excellence in Construction Honorable Mention, Lauren Heights
- ABC Western Washington Excellence in Construction Honorable Mention, Radcliffe Place
- ABC Western Washington Excellence in Construction Honorable Mention, Haborside Park
- NAHRO Award of Excellence NIA Apartments
- STEP (Safety Training and Evaluation Process) Platinum Award
- ABC Western Washington, Excellence in Construction, Jim Wiley Community Center
- BIAW Excellence in Remodeling Award, Jim Wiley Community Center
- NAHRO Award of Excellence, Jim Wiley Community Center
- CMAA Project Achievement Award, Jim Wiley Community Center
- Commercial Green Building Award, Kateri Court
- Top 100 Privately Owned Businesses in Washington
- Top 50 Privately Owned Businesses in Washington
- STEP (Safety Training and Evaluation Process) Platinum Award
- Top Diversity Owned Business in Washington
- ABC Western Washington Excellence in Construction Honorable Mention, Columbia Knoll
- ABC Western Washington, Excellence in Construction, Jefferson Park Recreation Center
- ABC Western Washington Excellence in Construction Honorable Mention, 5-20 Bar and Grill
- ABC Western Washington Excellence in Construction Honorable Mention, Marjorie Terrace
- ABC Western Washington, Excellence in Construction, House of Knowledge
- Northwest Construction Outstanding Project Award, House of Knowledge
- LIHI Award of Excellence, Frank Chopp Place
- STEP (Safety Training and Evaluation Process) Platinum Award
- APWA National Public Works Project of the Year, Heritage Park
- ABC Western Washington, Excellence in Construction, Woodland Park Zoo Jaguar Exhibit
- WACA Excellence in Concrete Award, Woodland Park Zoo Jaguar Exhibit
- Northwest Construction Outstanding Public Project Award, Woodland Park Zoo Jaguar Exhibit
- STEP (Safety Training and Evaluation Process) Gold Award
- ABC Western Washington Excellence in Construction, Views @ Madison
- ABC Western Washington Excellence in Construction Honorable Mention, Mitchell Place Apartments
- STEP (Safety Training and Evaluation Process) Platinum Award
- STEP (Safety Training and Evaluation Process) Platinum Award
- ABC Western Washington Excellence in Construction Honorable Mention, Golden Tides III
- ABC Western Washington Excellence in Construction Honorable Mention, ST. Luke Parish Church and School
- STEP (Safety Training and Evaluation Process) Platinum Award
- AGC Excellence in Construction, Jensen Block Apartments
- STEP (Safety Training and Evaluation Process) Platinum Award